About Lisa

Lisa's Story
Lisa is a special needs mom of almost a 21-year-old daughter, Clara, with complex needs, including a genetic disorder, autism, and mobility issues. Her start to life was so difficult, spending her first 16 months in hospital, that Clara's care quickly became overwhelming. Once home, Lisa spent years researching to figure out how to help Clara, despite professionals telling her to let her die, and later, when she didn't, that Clara would be in and out of hospitals all her life.
None of that came true.
As both a certified clinical (holistic) nutritionist and high performance coach, along with over 20 years in management with the federal public service, Lisa uses her understanding of the human body and mind along with her leadership skills and passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into who they really are.
She is the founder of Special Needs Experience (SNEX.Life) and the Constipation Relief Program for Kids (CRaP4Kids.com). When not working, writing, and advocating for the rights of those who are differently abled, Lisa enjoys hanging out with Clara, her sister Claudia and their two dogs, and finds peace and rejuvenation at the cottage.